Electrocution and Electrical Contact

The immediate and long-term consequences of electric shock accidents can be devastating. For example electrical burns can scar a person for life and electrical contact can cause severe nerve damage and even brain damage. Electrocutions at construction sites, in water, on ladders, and in homes can leave families mourning the loss of a loved one–overwhelmed and not knowing where to turn. Although electrocutions can be caused by “freak accidents,” many times the cause of the injury is the result of a company, corporation, local power and light company’s negligence or even the carelessness of a neighbor or fellow citizen. For this reason, there is usually considerable compensation available for the victim and their families through a Florida premises liability, product liability, wrongful death claim or other insurance claims.

Do You Have an Electrocution or Burn Injury?

Contact the electrical contact attorneys at the Law Offices of Whittel & Melton to explore legal options after an electrocution or a serious electrical burn injury. As an example, we handle cases involving:

  • Power lines
  • Guy wires
  • outlets
  • poor electrical wiring
  • contact with charged metal structures
  • electrical fires
  • metal equipment

We Will Go to Trial For You

While we seek a fair settlement in every case we handle, we build every case with an eye toward trial so that when property owners, and the insurance companies that represent them, do not make a fair settlement offer, we can fight for you in court. In order to press our opponents, we build cases with the necessary strength from the very start.

Do Not Delay! Call Us Today!

  1. 1 Contact Us 24/7
  2. 2 Toll Free in Florida
  3. 3 Available Nights & Weekends
Fill out the contact form or call us at 866-608-5529 to schedule your consultation.

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11020 Northcliffe Blvd

Spring Hill, FL 34608

Toll Free: 866-608-5529 Phone: 352-666-2121 Fax: 352-556-4839