Swimming Pool Accidents

Swimming pools are a part of many Floridians lives, but unfortunately, tragic swimming pool accidents are a regular occurrence in areas like Spring Hill, New Port Richey, Tampa and Ocala. According to the Center for Disease Contral (CDC), Florida has more children under the age of five drown than any other state in the U.S. The swimming pool accident attorneys at The Law Offices of Whittel & Melton have seen adults and children seriously injured or killed by outdated or malfunctioning pool drain covers and other pool equipment. Our attorneys stand ready to help you determine whether someone else’s negligence is the cause of you or your family member’s injuries. We stand ready to defend all cases against landlords, property owners, condo and home owner’s associations, caregivers and babysitters, and even builders and contractors.

When evaluating swimming pool accident cases, our attorneys investigate when the swimming pool was built because newer pools are required by law to have certain safeguards in place. In 2000, the Florida Legislature passed a law that regulates the design and construction of residential pools. Called the “Ibern/McKenzie Merriam Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act” the law requires new residential pools, hot tubs and spas have:

  • A Barrier surrounding the entire pool four feet tall or higher
  • An approved pool cover
  • Entrances that have self-closing and self-locking devices
  • Alarms on Every door and window in a home with direct access to a pool

We Will Go to Trial For You

While we seek a fair settlement in every case we handle, we build every case with an eye toward trial so that when property owners, and the insurance companies that represent them, do not make a fair settlement offer, we can fight for you in court. In order to press our opponents, we aggressively build cases from the very beginning.

Our representation does not cost our clients anything until they are first compensated for their injuries. If you or a family member has been injured or killed in a swimming pool accident in the State of Florida (including Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando and Jacksonville), please contact us at any or our offices in Spring Hill, New Port Richey, Inverness, Tarpon Springs, Ocala, Tampa, Gainesville and Bushnell for a consultation.

Do Not Delay! Call Us Today!

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  2. 2 Toll Free in Florida
  3. 3 Available Nights & Weekends
Fill out the contact form or call us at 866-608-5529 to schedule your consultation.

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11020 Northcliffe Blvd

Spring Hill, FL 34608

Toll Free: 866-608-5529 Phone: 352-666-2121 Fax: 352-556-4839